7301 Idlewild Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208
7301 Idlewild Street Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15208 US

Planted in Homewood knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 2016, we realized that by working together and grounding ourselves in our community we could grow our neighborhood by providing opportunities to access fresh, organic, healthy, hyper-local food and help stabilize and shape a positive atmosphere in North Homewood.  

For more information on programs, volunteering, gardening, plot rentals or joining the Planted in Homewood Garden Committee, please contact us: 


Please send an e-mail Planted in Homewood for access to the volunteer hour log to input your hours.

744 South Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.25 mi
Center for Civic Arts is developing an abandoned Church and side lot as a Community Center focuse...
809 Center Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.26 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: Pitt...
300 Larimer Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 1.26 mi
(412) 661 8751(412) 661 8751
This garden is no longer active. Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where peopl...
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania 15221 1.3 mi
In the summer of 2016, a raised vegetable bed project was started by Tim and Lynette Bloedow of C...
1203 East Swissvale Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.33 mi
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300 Hay Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.34 mi
For over 120 years Second U.P. has been deeply involved in mission and service to the community. ...
810 Rebecca Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.39 mi
This garden grows food, herbs, and plants for dying fabrics with support from the surrounding nei...
508 Jeanette Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.41 mi
The Hamnett Place Community Garden is fully member-run and consists of Piano Place, a public area...
Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 1.44 mi
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where people rent or adopt individual beds t...
725 S Linden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208 1.46 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: Pitt...
6200 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 1.48 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: Dilw...
829 Milton Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218 1.52 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: The ...
Sheridan Avenue Orchard.jpg
Sheridan Avenue Orchard and Garden is an open community space where produce is donated to the Eas...
1229 Franklin Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.64 mi
A garden started by a few people who care deeply about Wilkinsburg. Stone Soup was created to mak...
Borland Green Cooperative.JPG
5806 Black Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 1.75 mi
Borland Garden is an intentional community with a shared garden space. Mission statement: Respons...
2422 Laketon Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 1.87 mi
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214 South Saint Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 1.92 mi
Enright Garden is nearing its 16th season!  In 2008,  with the help of East Liberty Development, ...
5543 Black Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 2 mi
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, for residents within walking distance of sit...
327 N Negley Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 2 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: Urba...
1427 LaClair Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218 2.02 mi
Three empty lots on Laclair Ave, 1400 block. With 20 plus years of bonzai tree gardening, and 4 y...
Showing 21 - 40 of 192 results