Our summer youth programs in Braddock and Homewood are in full swing!
The six Braddock youth in our Urban Farmers in Training (UFIT) program have been busy. On top of ongoing work at Braddock Farms and helping with farm stand sales, UFIT participants have had many projects! They lead tours of interested youth around Braddock Farms. UFIT participants helped seniors at the Braddock Senior Center to transplant herbs, giving the seniors a plant to take care of. The youth have also built their own raised bed, and are completely responsible for the selection of plants and maintenance of the bed. Chef Kevin Sousa made veggie burgers with the youth. They broke down the ingredients in common snacks to learn more. Finally, they’re learning about where their food comes from and how this impacts the environment.
In Homewood, the ten Bridge to College (B2C) participants have been just as busy. They designed and planted the garden at the Homewood Kaboom playground. Weekly workshops help youth understand the food system. B2C participants harvest from Shiloh Farm and the Homewood YMCA gardens each week. Two youth help sell the harvest at the weekly farm stand. They also designed and screen printed their own shirts thanks to Modesto Studios!