The Allegheny Grows Program has assisted in starting community gardens in 9 municipalities since it began in 2010.
Allegheny Grows is a program of Allegheny County Economic Development that encourages community and workforce development through urban farming and gardening. Through a partnership with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Allegheny Grows provides education, planning resources and technical assistance for existing and newly developing community vegetable gardens in low-to-moderate income communities throughout Allegheny County. Allegheny Grows is only able to support gardens outside the City of Pittsburgh. If you’re starting a garden in Pittsburgh, please consider the City Growers Program.
The program is designed to support and utilize community gardening activities to:
- Return vacant land to productive, visually enhancing use
- Provide a platform for community engagement through a shared project
- Secure sources of fresh, local and healthy produce for communities
- Educate communities on running a community gardening initiative
Read a Post-Gazette article about the program.
Download the application to be considered a part of this program for the 2014 growing season!
Important Dates:
Monday, July 29 – application released
Saturday, August 3 – application info session #1, RSVP required
Thursday, August 15 – application info session #2, RSVP required
Friday, September 6 – application deadline 5:00 pm
RSVP and questions, contact Marisa: or 412-362-3769 x103.