7227 Thomas Blvd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208
7227 Thomas Blvd Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15208 US
Contact Name:
Hanna Mosca

Shiloh Farm is a model of what is possible in urban agriculture on one city lot. Since 2008, Grow Pittsburgh has exchanged produce for the use of this formerly vacant lot at the corner of Homewood Ave. and Thomas Blvd. in Point Breeze. We’ve converted the lot into a small urban farm, complete with in-ground production beds, herbs, perennial fruits, mushrooms, and flowers to draw beneficial insects. Shiloh Farm even has beehives and a flock of laying hens. The garden’s back & side perimeters are marked by large solar arrays, which feed into the neighboring home. Stop by to look around, or schedule a tour by clicking here! 

At Shiloh Farm we use chemical-free growing techniques to grow produce, which primarily supplies our on-site farm stand. The stand is open weekly on Thursdays from June through Oct., 2:30-6:30 p.m. (or until we sell out).  We keep our pricing low to increase food access, and those who can pay more are encouraged to do so. Shiloh Farm sells additional produce to the Cafe at the Frick.

Shiloh Farm, in conjunction with the Frick greenhouse and Garden Dreams, serves as a site for assistants, apprentices, and workshares to learn about and try out small-scale urban farming techniques. Many other school and community groups use the site for tours, activities and workdays.

4713 Chatsworth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15207 3.52 mi
The Hazelwood Urban Agriculture Team is a subcommittee of the HI Planning Committee. We are dedic...
1148 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224 3.54 mi
Our mission is to promote urban food production and community building. The Lawrenceville Organic...
220 40th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201 3.55 mi
School Garden located on a school site or farmed with a school’s involvement. School: Pitt...
222 Robinson Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 3.56 mi
Community Farm Land is gardened collectively by volunteers and sometimes paid staff, where produc...
242 51st Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201 3.61 mi
3060 Brereton Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.63 mi
3060 Brereton Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.63 mi
The Polish Hill Civic Association currently has 3 raised beds available for growing with hopes of...
3060 Brereton Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.63 mi
Polish Hill Civic Association Community Garden
2621 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.64 mi
Community Farm Land is gardened collectively by volunteers and sometimes paid staff, where produc...
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331 Harmar Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.67 mi
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where people rent or adopt individual beds t...
Near 3026 Wiggins Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 3.75 mi
Mission Statement: Growing community by growing together. Established 1979 Projoect Partners: Pol...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 3.77 mi
2022 Work Parties every Monday 6 – 8 PM, June through October, weather permitting. All are ...
301 West Elizabeth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15207 3.9 mi
EveryBuddy’s Garden is a community garden and is open to all. Established 2008 Project Part...
Landslide Community Farm.jpg
3 Beelen Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 3.97 mi
Community Farm Land is gardened collectively by volunteers and sometimes paid staff, where produc...
219 Kirkpatrick Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 4 mi
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where people rent or adopt individual beds t...
Peace And Friendship Farm Photo.jpg
678 Somers Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 4 mi
The Peace And Friendship Farm is an agricultural site for commercial urban farming for veterans a...
9 Short Alley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15223 4 mi
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where people rent or adopt individual beds t...
1000 Braddock Avenue, Braddock, Pennsylvania 15104 4.02 mi
Braddock Farm grows fresh produce for sale in the community of Braddock! You can find our fresh p...
The Harry Orlando Memorial Community Garden.jpg
2205 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 4.04 mi
412 377 9926412 377 9926
Community Garden, also known as an allotment garden, where people rent or adopt individual beds t...
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